Infant Brain Damage Cure
Unfortunately, there is no cure for cerebral palsy (CP). When you suffer brain damage, it will last for life because researchers haven’t learned how to reverse the damage. The human brain still remains one of the great frontiers that we continue to attempt to understand. CP has unfortunately become a common occurrence in children because brain damage in infants often leads to the development of resulting CP. While many people believe that this condition comes from the muscles, it actually occurs as a result of brain damage. With CP, there is an abnormal communication between the brain and muscles of the body.
Seeking a Cure
There is no cure for brain damage in infants, and researchers continue to work diligently to try to find one. The modern medical community understands how CP connects to problems in the brain, but researchers have not yet discovered a cure. In part, the difficulty with treating CP comes from the fact that this birth disorder doesn’t fall under a single category. Instead, it is a group of disorders affecting the brain, and it impacts the child’s cerebellum.
There are four main types of CP:
- Mixed
- Dyskinetic (also known as athetoid)
- Ataxic
- Spastic
Each form of cerebral palsy has its own symptoms and complications, which has made it difficult to generalize treatment. To make matters even more complicated, the symptoms, severity, and causes can all vary from one child to the next. It is necessary to evaluate the child and determine the type of CP present and create a tailored treatment plan on an individual basis. The complexity of the disorder is one reason why researchers struggle with finding a cure.
Eating Healthy
Never does it become more important for a child to eat healthy than when a child CP. While there is no cure, eating healthy may help decrease symptom severity. Doctors have found that a ketogenic diet has especially been helpful for children diagnosed with CP. Children that experience frequent seizures can benefit from a ketogenic diet. Through the high-fat foods, it causes what’s known as ketosis. Through this condition, the ketones in the body will increase and as this occurs, it may prevent the seizures from occurring. Research is ongoing to search for a cure for brain damage in infants.
If your child has brain damage, one of the goals of the doctor will be to improve your child’s quality of life. He or she wants you to live with as few disabilities as possible. For that reason, treatment will normally revolve around helping to reduce the symptoms instead of finding an outright cure, because medical research hasn’t advanced far enough for us to outright cure it. With an estimated 500,000 adults and children who suffer from this condition, it’s no wonder that they have been seeking ways to find a cure.