Stem Cell Therapy
Considered a new form of treatment, stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy has only recently begun to be used, but they have found the results favorable. As of right now, you have two different facilities within the United States that allow for these clinical research trials, intended to help with cerebral palsy. You have multiple research studies that have gone on to learn about the subject, and the goal has always been to treat those who have CP so that they can live happier and healthier lives.
Craniosacral Therapy
Considered one of the newer forms of treatment, Craniosacral therapy sometimes gets applied to children who have head trauma. Many times, they use this for infants who have had a difficult delivery. This works with a variety of other problems too.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
After a child has suffered a birth injury, some doctors believe that the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy could go a long ways to lowering the negative effects. While none of this has been proven, you still have better chances than without it. If your child suffers a birth disorder, you want to do whatever you can to prevent it from becoming cerebral palsy. You do have some birth injuries that you can’t cure, but this form of therapy can lower some of the risks that the condition might worsen.
Neonatal Therapeutic Hypothermia
Doctors still consider neonatal therapeutic hypothermia treatment a newer form of help. When an infant undergoes this treatment, their body temperature will get lowered after birth as a way to lower the risk that the child will suffer long-term brain damage. In some cases, brain damage can lead to cerebral palsy, which is what the doctors try to watch out for. Research has concluded nothing as of yet, but many experts have become advocates because of how the benefits outweigh the dangers.
Occupational Therapy
In a child’s earliest experiences, it gets filled with new experiences that drives their cognitive, physical and social growth. You want your child to live a life as independently as possible because this will lead to greater happiness. During the first three years of your child’s life, it will be essential what happens because this plays a role in their brain development. Through the use of occupational therapy, you can help them to develop in positive ways.
Physical Therapy
You have cases where, for whatever reason, your child suffered a birth injury that led to developmental delays. This could be due to cerebral palsy or any number of other problems that can slow down the development of your child. When you take your child to physical therapy, this form of treatment looks at the science of movement. How our muscles move can help children to recover from a birth disorder. In some cases, you won’t get a full recovery, but you do have times where your child can improve.
Aqua Therapy
Through a form of treatment known as aqua therapy, you could help your child to recover better from a birth injury. Using this type of therapy, you get deep and intense exercise. This works well within a comforting and soothing environment. In addition, you get some detoxifying properties that will help the body to feel better.
Speech Therapy
Any child that has a speech disorder will often take speech therapy as a method for treating it. Most children enter the world prepared to learn a language. Nevertheless, it takes time to learn languages, and each child will differ with how fast they can master a language. Every child will reach milestones at different rates, and you shouldn’t judge one child’s learning ability off the next unless they seem drastically behind. In those cases, speech therapy could help them to overcome some of the difficulties with learning a language.
Considered an alternative form of therapy, hippotherapy uses horses and equine equipment for helping a child who has cerebral palsy to develop better physical function. In addition, this treatment can help with neurological and emotional functioning. Doctors have built this form of therapy on the concept that the child’s tempo, gait, rhythm, cadence and repetition will adjust through the movement of a horse. Doctors have also found how this can help with cognitive ability. Researchers learned how it develops a part of the brain known as the sympathetic nervous system, which could improve your child’s cognitive development.
Massage Therapy
As much as possible, you want to give birth to a happy and healthy child. Based on information from the CDC, one out of every 33 babies will have a birth disorder. If you want to know the incidence rate of spina bifida, it sits at one out of every 2,854. Meanwhile, one of out every 5,349 children will be born with an eye defect. In clinical studies, medical researchers have learned how massage therapy can prove beneficial for infants who have emotional, mental or physical issues.
Sometimes, you have tried to treat your child through western medicine, and you haven’t seen much success. Acupuncture can add to your success with it. Many people don’t realize how many conditions with inflammation can benefit with this type of therapy. Why do some parents choose this over the other choices? They choose this because it offers a less dangerous and non-invasive method that doesn’t have much for side effects.