Infant Brain Ischemia

The Causes

There are several different causes of brain ischemia; it can happen to all age groups. Some people that have congenital heart problems have listed brain ischemia as a potential side effect. There are a few other causes with this condition, including:

  • Low blood pressure from a heart attack
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Blood clots
  • Compressed blood vessels
  • Tumors
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack

While many of these conditions happen in adults, a mother can pass on brain ischemia to her child. There are a few different reasons why a child could develop infant brain ischemia, such as:

What Tests Can Doctors Perform?

There are a couple of different tests that doctors might use to determine if your child has suffered one of these conditions due to brain ischemia. Normally, doctors will order an MRI or a CT scan to determine what kind of injury your child has. An EEG might also be ordered, but this only indicates an impending stroke. With other scans, doctors look at the nerves and blood flow.

The Symptoms

Patients with brain ischemia have a brain that is being starved to death. As the brain begins to shut down, it will usually start in the affected area and then branch out. Some of the symptoms that you could encounter include:

  • Blindness in one eye
  • Loss of coordination
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness

An infant with these symptoms may have a harder time learning. If your child has suffered a birth injury, they will not communicate that it is baby brain ischemia. For signs of dizziness, look at their eyes to see if they’re moving circularly. That could indicate they are suffering from this birth disorder. Because cerebral palsy happens after brain damage has occurred, infant brain ischemia can lead to cerebral palsy. In some cases, this could be due to medical negligence. It would be best if you spoke to your doctor as soon as possible to determine a treatment plan. If a lack of oxygen is present, your child could start to experience brain damage if it goes on for too long.