Placenta Previa and Birth Injuries

What are the Signs of Placenta Previa?

Symptoms can include a sudden onset of vaginal bleeding accompanied by cramping. It is possible not to experience bleeding or for the bleeding to occur sporadically. Sometimes, bleeding doesn’t occur until labor has begun. If you experience any abnormal symptoms, please consult a doctor. There are three different types of placenta previa:

  • Marginal
  • Partial
  • Complete

Marginal, the least dangerous of the three, occurs when the placenta has only slightly covered the cervix. Partial occurs when the cervix is partially covered. Complete, the most dangerous type, occurs when the entire cervix is covered.

How Do You Treat Placenta Previa?

How the doctor chooses to treat this condition largely depends on your child’s gestational age and health. The doctor gauges the severity of the bleeding and considers the level of danger posed and the child’s position. Treatments include blood transfusion, RhoGAM shots for Rh negative blood types, steroid shots to help the baby’s lungs mature, and medications that will sustain the child until the 36-week gestation period.

The most serious risk posed by placenta previa is uncontrollable bleeding. In rare cases, the doctor might have to deliver the baby before its organs have fully developed, causing a birth disorder. Some health conditions like cerebral palsy can be expensive and require ongoing medical attention. If your child suffered a birth injury, you could be entitled to compensation under some circumstances.