What are the Greatest Risks?
Normally, this condition happens during the delivery or labor process. There are cases where it indicates trauma has taken place, but other cases have no trauma present. The use of forceps has been linked to increased cases of this condition. First invented in 1569, forceps haven’t changed much. Doctors normally prefer to use the vacuum extraction tool because it can lower the child’s risk of getting injured.
Some risk factors can increase the danger that your child will be born with infant cephalohematoma. For example, prolonged labor, first pregnancies, and a larger infant’s head can increase the risk that the child will be injured.
The Condition Happens Because of Infant Size
Some cases of baby cephalohematoma result because the child is too large. A larger fetus will experience huge amounts of pressure and compression during delivery, leading to an increased risk. Even when the fetus is only moderately sized, if the mother has a small pelvis, this can also put the child at risk.
The Symptoms
Baby cephalohematoma happens on an internal level, so you can’t spot it as easily as a laceration, for example. Even so, the child may not react with classic behavioral issues that might indicate the problem and make it easier for you to spot. There are a few things you can look for that include: