Placental Birth Injuries
You want your child to be born with a few injuries as possible. You want him to live a happy and healthy life. The placenta attaches to the mother’s uterus, and it serves one of the most important functions when it comes to pregnancy. Not only does it bring nutrients, but it also transfers blood and oxygen to the child. If you have an injury to the placenta during birth, the consequences can be threatening if you don’t diagnose and treat it in a timely fashion. To paint a better picture, let’s have a look at placental birth injuries.
Placental Insufficiency
This birth disorder has also been referred to as uteroplacental insufficiency. It happens when you have a blood flow problem to the placenta during pregnancy. During this time, the placenta will struggle with delivering oxygen and nutrients to the child. You have several risk factors that can cause a contribution to this. Some of the biggest risks for creating this condition include:
- Gestational diabetes
- Smoking
- Fast maternal weight gain
- High blood pressure
- Maternal infections
Normally, doctors will treat you by controlling your blood pressure, getting bed rest, and giving the patient a solid education.
Placenta Previa
This rare condition affects fewer than 10 percent of all pregnancies. Unfortunately, this dangerous condition can lead to asphyxia, heart abnormalities, seizures, low birth weight, and stillbirth. This condition occurs when the placenta moves closer to the bottom of the womb, and it covers the cervix. Doctors recommend medication and bed rest to help with this condition. Everything will largely depend on the severity of the symptoms. Excessive vaginal bleeding has become another one of the dangerous symptoms.
Treatments options for this condition include:
- Vitamin K injections
- Medications to stop labor
- Blood transfusion
- Steroid injections
- Intravenous fluids
Placental Abruption
Several things can cause placental abruption. For example, maybe you had a previous pregnancy that had a placental issue. When this condition happens, the placenta can separate from the inner wall of the uterus. A woman that has a high risk of having placental abruption should receive close monitoring. This condition should not be left untreated because it can lead to cerebral palsy, premature birth, and cognitive disorders.
As soon as you notice a placental birth injury, you should seek treatment. When a doctor does not treat it on time, it can lead to life-altering health consequences. Along with it endangering the child, it can also put the mother at risk for hemorrhaging, infection, shock, and death. Throughout the pregnancy, it is imperative that you go to your prenatal appointments because this ensures that the doctor can perform a full checkup on the child. If you start bleeding during any pregnancy, you should get in to see a doctor immediately.